

artwork by Mitch Clem
A match made in heaven. Long lost lovers, Bomb the Music Industry! and O Pioneers! combine their exclamation point powers in the name of merchandise, colored vinyl and (thankfully) free music! A batch of political jams from the Bombs and a batch of awesome jams from the Pioneers. Check it!
click here for the whole album!
Download specific tracks:
1. Save the War
2. I'm Terrorfied!!!
3. This is a Singalong
4. Ghost of Corporate Future
5. Punknews is Stoked
6. Yo Bones!
7. You Know That Part in Superman III, Where He is All Bad Ass and Stuff? Yeah, I Bet That's How You Feel Right Now.
8. Bad Scene, Aaron's Fault
For the most part, these songs were recorded at the Quote Unquote House in Athens, GA by Jeff Rosenstock in the beginning of 2007 (same deal as always: one microphone, tube of toilet paper to hold up said microphone) except for "This is a Singalong" which was recorded during the Get Warmer seshs at the Sweat Zone in Athens, GA. Some shit wasn't though. For example, the trumpet parts were recorded at Andy Pruett's house where he called in sick for work and treated me to really delicious Choco Andes coffee and a pretty delicious Dunkin' Donuts bagel. Afterwards we dug through a box of free CDs he won and found out that he had a sweet comp of all these Studio One sessions. So then we shipped it off to our out-of-state workhouses for drum parts: Mike recorded his drums at his mom's house in Deer Park, NY and Jeff & Eric of O Pioneers recorded their stuff at Pigeon Eater Studios in Houston, TX. Then right before I moved out of the Quote Unquote House, I recorded my version of "Ghost..." by myself. So, to recap, here's who played what.
Sean McCabe: Trombone on Save the War
Andy Pruett: Trumpet on Save the War
Jeff Johnson: Drums and Backing Vocals on Save the War
Eric Solomon: Backing Vocals on Save the War
Mike Costa: Drums on Terrorfied
Brady Smith: Drums on Singalong
All other instruments played by Jeff Rosenstock. All songs by Jeff except "Ghost of Corporate Future" which is by Regina Spektor from the album "Soviet Kitsch", which nine out of ten songs are fucking stellar. It is also wouldn't be fair not to mention that Jeff Tobias, Jace Bartet and Brady Smith helped out in reshaping "This is a Singalong" to make it better than the demo. Please share this music with your friends, we'll give you a head start at bombthemusicindustry.com. Bomb the Music Industry! appear courtesy of Quote Unquote Records/Sorny Entertainment Group.
Eric Solomon: Guitar/Vocals
Chris Ryan: Drums/Looks
Val: Merch
Aaron Danger: Questions
Chuck Daley: PR
"Punknews is Stoked" was recorded at Dead City Sound by Chris Ryan. The other three were recorded at Goldentone Studios by Rob McGregor. Jeff Johnson played drums on the three other songs because Spider Ryan wasn't in the band yet. Dick. Back up vocals on tracks 6 - 9 by Fake Problems LLC.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
please note "bomb/pioneers" in the subject or body of your donation.
The Bomb the Music Industry! side of this record was written about a year and a half ago, so it might not exactly be current but, shit, that's what you get when you try to write political jawns.
This song is generally about how I felt when our government stepped in and said that 1-800-SUICIDE should work with more faith-based suicide prevention methods instead of doing what the hopeline did which allowed equal methods for LGBT teens. I later saw the Hopeline somewhere and it turns out that it's what Verizon calls it's customer service line now. Wowee.
Let's save our arms, knives, tanks and guns.
Let's put them in the shed until we fight a war not based on assumption.
Let's save our bombs and set our sights on
faith-based initiatives that only work for some.
We need to save the war for something worth our lives.
Let's spend some time stopping blatant gay hate crimes.
We need to keep the war reserved for something big
like religious zealots that wanna murder gay kids.
How do you find that you'll prevent suicide
by telling a teenage lesbian to go find Jesus?
One love. One people. That's what we need.
But we're focusing on all the wrong things
Besides, fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
We need to save the war for something worth our lives.
Let's spend some time stopping blatant gay hate crimes.
We need to keep the war reserved for something big
like religious zealots that wanna murder gay kids.
We cannot stand for this.
I can't believe we're gonna let 'em kill the kids.
We need to save the war for something worth our lives.
Like Comissions Acts recinding all our rights.
We need to keep the war reserved for something big.
Not just trying to put the fear into the kids.
Holy fuck! Oh good lord! Oh my god! Oh MY god! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh God! Oh God! Oh No!!!
I wrote this song after I had a dream about me and my mother standing on the top of a hotel building in Manhattan when all of a sudden a bunch of planes started crashing into buildings, the ground, dropping bombs, etc. That day I woke up, went to work, looked at salon.com and found out that there were terrorists that WERE planning to do that, flying out of England using liquid explosives - exactly five were talked about in the reports, which was the amount in my dream. I think
that you've clearly had way too much television fear instilled in you when you can effectively predict terrorist attacks.
Turn off the TV, it's time to settle down.
And I've been ignoring newspapers, I've been staring at the ground
Because I'm waking up from nightmares, whenever I look around
and see we're stuck here in a situation of which we can't get out.
The dreams I mentioned earlier all involve aeroplanes
Launching missiles and themselves into shiny windowpanes
and the debris from the explosions fall to quick to run away
and today I woke up terrified 'cause reality's the same and I'm singin'
I'm terrorfied!!! I didn't vote for this.
I'm gonna die for shit that ain't my fault.
I'm terrorfied!!! I've overdosed on fear
It turns out one day I'll really explode.
So we'll start a giant deficit, so we'll roll back civil rights
and we'll color code our threat levels so we can see them when it's dark at night.
And our hostile corporate takeover DOES help me sleep alright.
Do you think Bush thanks God for 9/11 so he can feel justified?
Yeah, the dreams I mentioned earlier all involve falling bombs
With me crying in my bed why can't we all just get along.
And with a finger on a button someone's stopping all our wrongs.
Today I woke up terrified because the TV's on and I'm singin'
I'm terrorfied!!! I didn't vote for this.
I'm gonna die for shit that ain't my fault.
I'm terrorfied!!! I've overdosed on fear
I guess I'm gonna explode.
This year in September, I watched gas prices drop a quarter the day after the 10th.
We're no safer and the fear's all we remember
But to honor them it's cheaper to drive to bomb shelters.
I'm terrorfied!!! I didn't vote for this.
I'm gonna die for shit that ain't my fault.
I'm terrorfied!!! I've overdosed on fear
It turns out one day I'll really explode.
This song is about the press in America when they report on specific problems in our war tactics. Although, just like Sean Penn, I am against the war, this song has more to do with the mentality of our reporters being told that they can't show photos of certain things (while we show lynchings on TV, the head of Al-Zarqawi (sp) was on the cover of the newspaper when he was killed) because they would "damage the American spirit." Also, the sections in quotes are said by another person or more accurately, another TYPE of person but I don't think I need to explain that.
"Guantanemo Bay, son.
We want none of your bullshit.
The boy who's crying 'Haditha',
Vietnam's not a reference.
Stop to think of the terror
Everyone's gonna mess with a whiny bitch of a nation.
Turn in your laptop unless you are ready to report the news in a way we see fit
And turn in your dictaphone
All your photos won't be shown
You're just fanning the flames of decent and the U.S. wants no part of it.
We must distract or they'll react
in a way that will be detrimental to our policy of coverups, BOY.
We want none of your bullshit."
Well, everyone knows that numbers have no liberal bias
You stupid shit of a nation.
If it's a campaign advertisement will you please stop telling us it's news?
We got better things to do than read other countries' papers
because you silence our reporters while you're killing just to keep our rights
We found no bombs so can we move on
from the spying snide America where we are no safer now than we were
before, BOY.
We want none of your bullshit.
Only one thing to call it, feeding time for the pulpit.
We want none of your bullshit.
If we can't disagree then what do we fight for.
If we can't dissent, then why do we have war?
"Son, we want none of your bullshit.
The boy who's crying 'Haditha',
Vietnam's not a reference.
Stop to think of the terror
Everyone's gonna mess with a whiny bitch of a nation.
And boy, we're not gonna let them.
Christian values for miles, God will place us above them.
Don't focus on the photos.
Please focus on gay marriage."
This song is by Regina Spektor. Who knows what she thinks it's about.
A man walks out of his apartment,
It is raining, he's got no umbrella
He starts running beneath the awnings,
Trying to save his suit,
Trying to save his suit.
Trying to dry, and to dry, and to dry but no good
When he gets to the crowded subway platform,
He takes off both of his shoes
He steps right into somebody's fat loogie
And everyone who sees him says, "Ew."
Everyone who sees him says, "Ew."
But he doesn't care,
'Cause last night he got a visit from the
Ghost of Corporate Future
The ghost said, "Take off both your shoes
Whatever chances you get
Especially when they're wet."
He also said,
"Imagine you go away
On a business trip one day
And when you come back home,
Your children have grown
And you never made your wife moan,
Your children have grown
And you never made your wife moan."
"And people make you nervous
You'd think the world is ending,
And everybody's features have somehow started blending
And everything is plastic,
And everyone's sarcastic,
And all your food is frozen,
It needs to be defrosted."
"You'd think the world was ending,
You'd think the world was ending,
You'd think the world was ending right now.
You'd think the world was ending,
You'd think the world was ending,
You'd think the world was ending right now."
"Well maybe you should just drink a lot less coffee,
And never ever watch the ten o'clock news,
Maybe you should kiss someone nice,
Or lick a rock,
Or both."
"Maybe you should cut your own hair
'Cause that can be so funny
It doesn't cost any money
And it always grows back
Hair grows even after you're dead"
"And people are just people,
They shouldn't make you nervous.
The world is everlasting,
It's coming and it's going.
If you don't toss your plastic,
The streets won't be so plastic.
And if you kiss somebody,
Then both of you'll get practice."
"The world is everlasting
Put dirtballs in your pocket,
Put dirtballs in your pocket,
And take off both your shoes.
'Cause people are just people,
People are just people,
People are just people like you.
People are just people,
People are just people,
People are just people like you."
The world is everlasting
It's coming and it's going
The world is everlasting
It's coming and it's going
It's coming and it's going
Punknews is Stoked
Give me wit, give me bad taste, give me poor humor.
Give me keyboards, give me sarcasm, give me blah blah blah.
How can you criticize someone when you don't even try for yourself.
In independent culture, we get so bored.
Type your witty comments on a little keyboard.
I can cut you down to size.
I can put you in your place.
How can we translate these signals,
when this reception with these phone lines are ruining everything?
When these phone lines, they ruin everything,
and when these pyramid falls, I'll be falling too.
When everything falls apart, I might as well just fall apart.
Tear the picture right from the frame.
My legs are growing shakier by the minute and there is nothing I can do.
Time changes everything, including me and you.
And don't come crying to me, when your foundation separates
and the glue that held us together wasn't working for me.
And it's hard to think positive
When people you considered friends, turned out to be fucking pricks.
And maybe if I tried a little harder, I could see it from their point of view.
And maybe if I tried, I would understand, but I'm not gonna lie.
And maybe if I stayed out a little longer,
maybe if I drank that bottle of wine,
maybe if I did the drugs that they did maybe things would be fine.
I can't, I won't, I don't relate to you.
Yes, I know this is true.
And I've given up on a friendship with you,
you can keep your dollars and cents.
And I've given up, I've got a problem with your attitude,
A real problem with it.
I don't understand how someone can say that they love something, and just walk away.
Just when it gets hard, and you if you love something, you have to fight with every breath that you take
Till your muscles stop moving.
And no longer reaches your lung, and the air that you breathe no longer reaches your lungs,
And you think your actions through.
We think them through.
And it makes me sick.
Of all these kids that say, my scene sucks, and then they just walk away.
And it's hard to sit through every fight with you,
when you just get up and walk away every single night
and when you get up to fucking leave, you just walk away.
When if you love something, don't walk away. |