
Asian Man Records has THIS to say about The Wild's latest record: "These four punks from Atlanta sing songs from the heart, à la Jason Anderson and Ghost Mice. Political, but not preachy. All members are quite active in their DIY community. Produced and recorded by Jeff Rosenstock and Joe Queer." Although I don't know about the Ghost Mice thing, this pretty much sums it up. Another awesome sunny record from The Wild, that often jumps into pools of reverb or knocks you on your ass.
Click here to purchase this album on CD/LP from Asian Man Records.
Click here to download the whole album!
1. Set Ourselves Free
2. Everything We Need
3. Together Underground
4. The Saddest Thing I Ever Saw
5. Dear Noah
6. Ideas of Home
7. Breathe City Lights
8. Burn Up in the Setting Sun
Produced and Recorded by Joe Queer and Jeff Rosenstock in Hoschton, GA at monster zero studios in december, 2009. Mixed by Nathan schreier. Mastered by joel hatstat and Nathan schreier. Album photography by jeff wolk. Album layout by ayla barenfanger.
the wild is: Kylee (drums), dianna (vocals and more), ben (bass), witt (guitar,
harmonica, and vocals), steve (banjo and more)
special buddies on this record: jeff rosenstock (synth and vocals), joe Queer
(lead guitar), kathryn dirks (violin), Diana Shepherd (Viola)
the wild thanks our families for all of their love and support, jeff rosenstock,
joe queer and mimi king, mike park and everyone at asian man records, Anthony
and sidejar records, chris clavin , alex kulik, the hurlburt family, stewart at no breaks, trey kimbrough, sheri stanford, C.J. Jenkins, Nik Morgan, Shane Patrick, Maya Nair, michael Stafford, andy thompson,Michael Cady, Melissa Forgey, Ryan McKeever, Greg Knoll, Rob Draghi, Doug Stoll, tim franzen, Jodi Lennon,Miles Marillo, Stephanie parker, travis gordon, jeff wolk, ayla barenfanger, andy sunshine, graham turner, maryann colella, greg corbino, dakota floyd, ben herring, eliza sydney, pierce harmon, vampire steve,JJP,michael otley, will bangs,
james david morgan, jason anderson, pedals on our pirate ships,lemuria, slingshot dakota, saint seneca, letters to the moon, delay, ghost mice, the back pockets, laura stevenson and the cans BTMI!, the queers, the boss, screeching weasel, revolutionary youth, the atlanta sedition orchestra, andrew jackson jihad, bridge and tunnel, the fellow project, brook pridemore,dan treiber, nana grizol, defiance, ohio, this bike is a pipe bomb, flat stanley,
thanks to everyone that has supported us, offered a floor or a show or let us park
Rosa in front of their house... we love you all! we are extremely grateful!
visit us online at http://www.myspace.com/thewildatl or email us at thewild@wonderroot.org
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
please note "THE WILD" in the subject or body of your donation.
SET OURSELVES FREE well everyone's got something they're afraid of,
and my dear i fear losing you. but don't think i won't be there if you
need me...it's just sometimes i get scared too. and i know that my fears
are unfounded, it's just this thing that builds inside my brain. if i could
just remember what you told me...that 'fear leads to shame and your not
to blame.' but now as we go down this long dark road, we'll keep our eyes
fixed on one another. with your hand in mine and some trust and a smile
we'll know there's no hill too big for us to climb... so we'll reach for the
stars,but if we land on the moon, it's all right cause we know we did the
best we could do, no regrets, don't forget that sometimes life is hard. i
felt like shit when i left and you wanted me to stay, but i felt good when
i was broke, because i gave it all away. oh it's weird and it's strange, but
it's nice when things work out that way. so we fight with our heads held high,
and we won'tback down from these wars in this world, from these wars in our
souls. we just have to believe...we set ourselves free. i looked down on the
graves from the marta train and i wondered if anybody really ever gets
saved, or is it just something people tell themselves to make it through
the day. but just know that everything is gonna be all right, death is too
hard to conceptualize.i think we save ourselves when we laugh with our
friends, when we cry. so wefight with our heads held high, and we won't back
down, from these wars in this world, from these wars in our souls. we just
have to believe... we set ourselves free.
EVERYTHING WE NEED it's in the darkest depths we know that we sow the seeds
of something beautiful. on the blackest night we see the stars bright glow, but
not if we close our eyes...no we can't just close our eyes. i saw my neighbor in
the street. we talked of family, of war, and the economy. he said, 'boy i lost
it all, but here's the irony...i found everything i need, we've got everything we
need, no love don't care about lost money...we've got everything we need.' all
these debts that we owe are relieved when we know...the expense
of our lives is not met with what we buy. it's a fixed game we're in. don't
doubt the value of a friend, and please stick by my side. oh i need you by my
side. i'll stick by your side, if you'll be right by mine. i find solace in the woods
when the city's grip gets too unberable. next to trees
my problems seem miniscule. i think of those that need a hand, sometimes we
just need a hand, no hope don't grow from a stimulus plan...sometimes we just
need a hand. all these debts that we owe are relieved when we know...the expense
of our lives is not met with what we buy. it's a fixed game we're in. don't
doubt the value of a friend, and please stick by my side. oh i need you by my
side. i'll stick by your side, if you'll be right by mine.
TOGETHER UNDERGROUND i was 24 when i filled up with hate. it became everything
and it started with the state. now i think that feeling is more of a mistake,
cause that shit can destroy everything we create. but don't fear death or
your mortality, just let it be the motivation that you need to live the life
you want to lead...and sing! we are nothing more than setting suns, so
let's glow glorious until the day is done, and we'll all fall back down below
the land...together undeground is where we stand. the subway station flows
with energy, but the people up above in their cars cannot see. the way my
heart swells at the sight of a stranger. i wonder if they're lonely, if they're
loved, if they've got anyone...by the tracks with suitcases, coming or going,
leaving or staying...motion prevails...we don't know where we're heading
sometimes. we are nothing more than setting suns, so let's glow glorious until the day is done, and we'll all fall back down below the land...together undeground is where we stand. well i saw a group of people holding hands, and i asked if i could join them. oh i've never been much for religion... let's make love our revolution.
i'm not enchanted by this city anymore. skyscrapers
swallow me with shadows before, the sun sets somewhere, it's light still breaks.
we plant roots, but there is more at stake. on the corner there once stood
a church full of sound, you could here songs escape at night. they'd sing
praise be to him for what we have built...a home, a community, a life. but it
broke. now stands a high-rise. i can't take back what i've done. so we danced
around the room to an old familiar tune, and i looked deep in your eyes, and
i thought about the fact that we are lucky for what we have, but i wonder
what's the price...cause the saddest thing i ever saw was a colorful neighborhood
turn white, a vibrancy destroyed by greed, a neighborhood of falacy,
development's sacrifice. i don't know this place anymore, these streets like
before. i'm afraid, it's my fault, i've become what i hate... cause the saddest
thing i ever saw was a colorful neighborhood turn white.
dear noah, it can be a scary world. there are good times and bad
times, fun and fear in the unknown. just keep with you those that love you
everywhere that you go woah oh oh oh! take your headphones off the world
will sing you a song. to the hum of these streets we'll sing along, and these
hard times pass fast together, these dreams are ours to share together,
they're right in front of our eyes. i was younger, i was so afraid...of people, of
places, of each new day. no more powders making square smiles, making hollow
hearts today ay ay ay! just live how you want. the rest will come in time...
kid it's better to be free than make a dime, and these hard times pass fast together, these dreams are ours to share together, they're right in front of our eyes. well the clouds laid down on the desert floor. mountains made of suede passed by my car, and the boss on the radio said, 'sit tight, take hold, thunderroad oh oh oad! i said 'hey kylee? do you remember when we drove up i-95, watching the snow melt, spring bring the world alive, and these hard times pass fast together, these dreams are ours to share together, they're right in front of our eyes.
we left our homes, desperate for places far away from where
we're from. and i was afraid, thought i'd be lost without a map to guide my
way, but i was in love...haunted by a ghost, an open road, freedom. these
ideas of home saturate my mind like a southern rainstorm, and i fall to my
knees when i realize that what's real ain't just what i believe, and so it seems
that right where we are is right where we're supposed to be. and now we see
ourselves for what we really are...reflections in car windows as we look at the
open up my eyes tonight, looking for a place to hide,
and dreams are what people do when their only choice is to make a move,
and i want to know if you want to? one last chance to make a stand, i'm tired
of all the poeple i've been, so i cut 'em off, look inside, but i would be anybody
that you want me to be tonight. where'd you go my only friend, only looked for
what you get, so i packed my bags, went outside, took to the streets at night,
and i will breathe all these city lights. open up my eyes tonight, looking for a
place to hide, and dreams are what people do when their only choice is to
make a move, and i want to know if you want to?
put away your brushes, put away your paints...this
is not some picture that you can make. well look me deeply in the eye and tell
me that it's not a lie. it's me that can control my mind. it's not the truth, just
a device...for staring into the endless sky, for wondering about what happens
when we die. is there anything beyond the horizon or do we burn up in the
setting sun? i thought long and hard about what you had said.. that 'some
people get caught up inside their own head,' you looked down at me and said
'i thought that you knew,' but girl there is so much i need to learn from you...
cause i am a dreamer, a leaver, a fraud, and i always end up back where i
started from, and it never feels like where i belong. thank god sometimes
friends feel like home..take me home. i'm glad that i know you as a friend, i'm
even more glad that i kissed you and i wanna do it again. it's just that you know
there's more than we can see... that what we know is narrow and brief. and i've
got to say it inspires me, the way you know that if we work together that we'll
be set free...of anger, of hatred, all those things that ain't right, and oh my
god i feel free tonight. 'give it back!' 'oh no i won't!' 'give it back!' 'oh no i won't!'